Prism Template Pack in Visual Studio for Mac

Prism Template Pack in Visual Studio for Mac
Prism users have long enjoyed some great Template packs available for Visual Studio and Xamarin Studio. Visual Studio for Mac though has been a real challenge due to problems with the Mono Addins site not building the Prism Addin. It's been a very common request among our Mac users to get this support back. [More]

Breaking Changes for Prism Autofac Users

It's certainly been no secret that I've told user's that Autofac wasn't really a good choice for Prism Forms. To be honest just looking at the benchmarks between Autofac and DryIoc or SimpleInjector which may soon be supported, Autofac just isn't that appealing to me. The truth though, is that I wasn't just steering people away from Prism Autofac for this reason alone. Before Prism introduced .NET Standard support, we were limited to targeting Autofac 3.5. As anyone familiar with Autofac is likely aware, the ContainerBuilder.Update(Container) method was deprecated. Autofac quite annoyingly wants to be an immutable container. This is problematic for frameworks like Prism, or any developer who wants to dynamically load dependencies. [More]

Prism 7.0 for Xamarin Forms Sneak Peek

Prism 7.0 for Xamarin Forms Sneak Peek
If you're a Xamarin developer, chances are you've been through a struggle or two with NetStandard. NetStandard offers a lot of advantages, but support has been slow going in many cases. Xamarin Forms only recently began shipping NetStandard. Prism users have been asking for a while now to have NetStandard support. Obviously for WPF users NetStandard really doesn't offer any advantages, and for UWP it just creates a few headaches, but that hasn't stopped requests for the Core to support NetStandard or for Prism Forms to be converted. For a while now I've been either pointing people to my preview templates or telling them to use the PackageTargetFallback attribute with the new csproj format. Well, I'm happy to say that Prism for Xamarin Forms is now available in NetStandard! [More]

Prism Quickstart Templates

So you had this great idea for an app... maybe you spent weeks planning with your team or with your client. The day finally comes to create the project. Suddenly you realize that we have this new .NET Standard thing and you want to take advantage of it. [More]

Why you aren't attracting or keeping Top Talent

The reality of it is, that it doesn't much matter whether you're looking for C2C, W2, or 1099, the top talent out there is likely laughing your offers all the way to trash. Thanks to the digital world, they didn't even get the satisfaction of crumpling it up and realizing why they're in IT and not the NBA. [More]

Azure Mobile Client Helpers

Azure Mobile Client Helpers
I do however remember an initial sense of excitement for being able to add Online/Offline syncing to my apps. That excitement gradually faded a little when I started to deep dive into the library and realized that every project I wanted to use the Azure Mobile Client, meant that there were a number of helpers I would need to recreate. [More]

Xamarin Package Authoring

Xamarin Package Authoring
Obviously the answer is to decouple the code you wrote from your last project and put it into it's own project. The problem you ran into though is that you develop on a Mac and NuGet is for PC right? [More]

A Dot Net Developer on a Mac

Recently I had a chance to attend a meetup here in San Diego. To be honest, around other developers [More]

The Hamburger Menu with Prism Forms

How many times have you heard someone ask about a Hamburger menu in Xamarin Forms? It's a topic that [More]

Prism Forms 6.3.0 Highlights

For those following Prism 6.3, it's been a while coming, but there is a lot there. Here are a few he [More]