Making DevOps Easy with Mobile.BuildTools 07 July 2021 Dan-Siegel .NET, Xamarin It's been quite a journey if I'm honest. In fact as I look back over the last several years it's really crazy too look at what the Mobile.BuildTools has transformed into from it's humble origins as a collection of PowerShell scripts I was tired of rewriting every time I started a new app. Spoiler, the Mobile.BuildTools 2.0 does so much for you over what 1.x could do I had to put together a full docs site and json schemas for the configuration so that I could remember it all. [More]
AndroidX, App Bundle and Profiled AOT for Xamarin Android 07 August 2019 Dan-Siegel Xamarin What was so amazing about this is that the App Bundle was showing a download size that was roughly around 20% of what the traditional APK per ABI would produce. [More]
Getting Started with Azure Pipelines for Xamarin Developers 05 August 2019 Dan-Siegel Xamarin DevOps for Xamarin apps is a rather large topic. Rather than trying to go A-Z in one bite, I thought [More]
Using Dependency Injection Everywhere 24 May 2019 Dan-Siegel Prism, Xamarin Recently I started putting together some extensions to make my life even easier with Dependency Inje [More]
Demystifying the SDK Project 21 August 2018 Dan-Siegel .NET, Xamarin The new SDK Style projects really help make what's going on in the project system easier to understand and customize because it's not polluted by a lot of insanity. [More]
Azure Active Directory B2C for Xamarin Applications 18 July 2018 Dan-Siegel Xamarin So why yet another blog post? Well to be honest the documentation can be a little confusing, and there is more to the setup of a tenant than you may have read about. [More]
.NET Standard & the New Project Format for Xamarin Developers 29 March 2018 Dan-Siegel .NET, Prism, Xamarin .NET Standard has really changed the ballgame for .NET Developers. In large part because the entire project system has experienced a revamp. [More]
Secure App Builds with AppCenter 11 March 2018 Dan-Siegel Xamarin AppCenter has been touted as this wonderful new service from Microsoft. It's supposed to make it easier to build, test and distribute our apps. [More]
Xamarin DevOps In A Box 06 November 2017 Dan-Siegel Prism, Xamarin Several Months ago I set out to make some of the most powerful Xamarin Project Templates. I've gotten a lot of feedback on the Prism QuickStart Templates and how they have accelerated Mobile Development for Developers. One of the features that has really caught the attention of so many developers is the Application Secrets generation. [More]
Prism 7.0 for Xamarin Forms Sneak Peek 19 July 2017 Dan-Siegel Prism, Xamarin If you're a Xamarin developer, chances are you've been through a struggle or two with NetStandard. NetStandard offers a lot of advantages, but support has been slow going in many cases. Xamarin Forms only recently began shipping NetStandard. Prism users have been asking for a while now to have NetStandard support. Obviously for WPF users NetStandard really doesn't offer any advantages, and for UWP it just creates a few headaches, but that hasn't stopped requests for the Core to support NetStandard or for Prism Forms to be converted. For a while now I've been either pointing people to my preview templates or telling them to use the PackageTargetFallback attribute with the new csproj format. Well, I'm happy to say that Prism for Xamarin Forms is now available in NetStandard! [More]